relationship of rdfs:Literal to rdfs:Resource

RDF Schema says that rdfs:Literal is a subclass of rdfs:Resource.

1. Does that mean that all RDF literals are resources? For example, is 
the string "5" below a resource?


RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax says that, "Anything represented by a 
literal could also be represented by a URI...." This brings me back to a 
variation of an earlier question I presented on this list:

2. What URI would I use to represent the literal "5" above, when 
referring to the actual string of characters "5" (that is, not the value 

3. What URI would I use to represent the xsd:boolean value represented 
by the lexical form "true"?

I'm still trying to get a handle on all the ends and outs of literals.



Received on Sunday, 14 September 2003 00:40:13 UTC