Re: Attaching (embedding?) RDF

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Martin May wrote:

> Does anybody have thoughts on option 4, consisting of creating some
> kind of bundle (e.g. a zip or jar file) that binds the file and it's
> rdf metadata file together?

METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) is one possibility.  It
provides an XML container for both content and metadata.

I don't know METS in detail, but I assume that you would have to create an
XML schema that described your RDF/XML instance metadata if you wanted to
carry RDF in METS.

Distributed Systems, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK       +44 1225 383933
Resource Discovery Network

Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2003 09:15:12 UTC