AW: Announcement: The "info" URI Scheme

> I'm in complete agreement here, too.  The "everything http" faction 
> seems to be a close relative of the "everything .com" faction of 
> domain name usage, whereby people insist that all sorts of Web sites 
> ought to have .com addresses, regardless of whether some other TLD 
> would make more logical sence (e.g., for a site that's 
> noncommercial), because "everybody expects that", plus "browsers 
> automatically fill it in".

i disagree in connecting the preference of ".com" addresses to the
preference of a certain Internet protocol, namely "http". The two issues
have different causes and different social meanings, they are only
connected by beeing in the same business.

I also disagree that we talk about browsers. Browsers are a tiny part of
the semantic web, if you read the papers you should know that semantic
web is about Computers communicating, using Agents, or Soap. The user
interface will be some kind of "browser" but not like what you use

> In this way, as everybody goes for the quick-fix of doing what's well 
> known and well supported now in preference to what's more logical but 
> less familiar, the net gets dumbed down and the namespaces are 
> impoverished because only a small subset is in active use, and is 
> often abused.

Uhmmm, do you think that a new system will be guarded from abuse ?????
What exactly means abuse ? Just because everybody buys .com, this is not
abuse, this is a social etiquette that has evolved. We don't have to
obey to DNS, DNS has to obey to humanity. Don't put a standard above

Well if you don't use quick fixes, you are there on the lone field.
Vannevar Bush already had the idea of using telephone numbers for a kind
of "pre internet" naming and identification system, as you can read in
his "As we may think" article dated 1945. It is an intelligent idea,
from his point of view I would even say that ideas like that are

I don't LIKE quick and dirty fixes, that is true for every programmer
and designer. But I build my systems using todays technology to be
prepared for tomorrow. IF new NEEDS arise, I can adapt.

When you need to pin something on the wall, you go to the store and buy
nails, screws or glue, but you don't go out and build a new industry
with stores, retailers, laws, lawyers, business, people, ....

So when there is the good DNS system that works with providing globally
unique names and it has the industry of DNS behind and it is capable of
handling the worldwide selling of identities, use it.
Part of this capability is through the mangement and political changes
we have seen through ICANN in the years after 2000 and the loss of
internic's influence and power. 
This is no peanut business, this did cost many people much time and was
hard to achieve, it was political discussion behind it and as European I
did see the discussion about plain, brute power that such a DNS system
gives to its controller and what happened through the discussion, the
globalization of control of DNS. It is a multimillion dollar business,
backed by government, controlled by democratic powers, proved to work on
global scale, used by John Doe to identify his private website.

You can't rebuild the features of DNS easily. Is this investment
justified ?

use nails if you can.

I really want an identification system for the Semantic Web, so provide
some good designs for this identification system, we need good ideas
here !

Leo Sauermann

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 04:33:28 UTC