Re: Announcement: The "info" URI Scheme

On 1 Oct 2003 at 11:42, Garret Wilson wrote:

> While I have a long history of agreeing with Patrick, I don't know that 
> I like this idea. Note that I'm not necessarily agreeing with the info: 
> proposal below, just reacting to the "everything http:" statement. (I 
> also have a hunch that the things I will soon say will be old news and 
> will have been discussed for years on the RDF lists when I wasn't looking.)

I'm in complete agreement here, too.  The "everything http" faction 
seems to be a close relative of the "everything .com" faction of 
domain name usage, whereby people insist that all sorts of Web sites 
ought to have .com addresses, regardless of whether some other TLD 
would make more logical sence (e.g., for a site that's 
noncommercial), because "everybody expects that", plus "browsers 
automatically fill it in".

In this way, as everybody goes for the quick-fix of doing what's well 
known and well supported now in preference to what's more logical but 
less familiar, the net gets dumbed down and the namespaces are 
impoverished because only a small subset is in active use, and is 
often abused.

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Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2003 15:16:24 UTC