Re: RDF query and Rules - my two cents

Patrick Stickler (NMP-MSW/Tampere) wrote:

> IMO, for the SW to reach critical mass, we have to (1) provide a simple,
> effortless way to get descriptions of resources having only a URI, and
> (2) get away from GETing explicit RDF/XML instances (files) rather
> than querying knowledge bases.

Heh. That sums it up pretty good :-)

> Much better, IMO, to simply be able to ask

Hey, this would be really cool! It can even be used to give some purpose 
to all those missused URLs.

But I can only use Dunny's way on webserver Foo right now... It's 
probably the best way to make it work with MGET later anyway.

There some details to work out around MGET though. For example, 
performing a GET on the two following URLs will probably give you the 
same document:


But this should not be the case with an MGET, as the two URLs are not 
the same resource (or at least they don't have to) per RDF terms.

Manos Batsis

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mbatsis at netsmart dot gr
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Received on Thursday, 20 November 2003 03:37:31 UTC