Re: SW Best Practices WG - draft charter for discussion

Guus Schreiber wrote:

> Some members of W3C's' Semantic Web Coordination Group have been working 
> on a draft charter for a new Best Practices Working Group, see:
> We welcome any comments you might have on this draft. We would 
> appreciate it if you could send comments before 20 Nov, preferably to 
> this mailing list.

This is a good idea and should be incredibly helpful.  A couple of 

Under Focus 2, the first bullet (constructing ontologies), it seems to 
me that part of this, or a closely related area, would be guidelines for 
naming/identification in conjunction with ontologies (e.g., creating 
URIs and "namespaces"), both for classes, and for individuals.  This is 
a question I've seen coming up a lot in moving conventional modeling 
ideas to the Semantic Web context, and perhaps should be called out 

Under Focus 4, how about adding the relationship between database design 
and Semantic Web ideas as a fourth bullet (explicitly establishing a 
connection between the Semantic Web and all the literature/experience on 
database design, and all the data from databases that might be made 
available on the Semantic Web)?



Received on Thursday, 13 November 2003 10:38:26 UTC