Re: making statements about a graph

Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:
> with this the same statement is both asserted and reified.
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#u1">
> ~  <dc:language rdf:ID="r1">EN</dc:language>
> </rdf:Description>

Not quite ... an rdf:Statement identified as r1 is created, and its 
subject is #u1.  A triple that #u1 has the dc:language property equal to 
"EN" is also created.  However, the graph does not know that the #u1 
resource is supposed to be the contents of the OP's "utterance" element 
(or the element itself) -

<utterance id="u1">chat</utterance>

that was outside the rdf block, and that is not changed by using 
rdf:ID="u1" instead of id="u1".


Tom P

Received on Thursday, 6 November 2003 22:46:31 UTC