I have a question please;
I have an Attribute Certificate "object1 xml" which it is used to reach 
(after an access control) various applications.
In first phase I need a method, which enables me to explain to these 
applications the semantics of this "object1 xml".
And in second phase I need to render comprehensible to these 
applications what they must do by this "object1 xml".
All that to ensure inter-operability between these various applications 
by using the same " object1 xml".
I thought of a solution: it is to put in this Attribute Certificate 
"object1 xml" a bond (link uri) that point to another object "object2 
xml". The goal of "object2 xml" is to describe the "object1 xml".
Thus the application, which receives the «objetc1 xml», can understand 
that semantic after having to read the "object2 .xml".

I thus that it language is it necessary asks to use? RDF or OWL to 
ensure these applications semantics necessary.
I ask that which language I must use? RDF or OWL to ensure to these 
applications the necessary semantics.
It will be of great help if anybody guides me , how to proceed in the
right direction.

thanks in advance,


Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 15:43:09 UTC