Re: LBase in the RDF Semantics Doc

> The RDF Semantics document specifies the formal semantics of RDF(S).  It 
> includes an informative appendix
> which restates the semantics in the form of a small set of axioms.  The 
> intent is that this representation is easier to understand.
> RDFCore have had a last call comment suggesting this appendix be removed:
> It would be helpful in resolving this comment, for the WG to have feedback 
> on whether or not folks find this appendix useful.

I found them fun and interesting, and I wrote an LBase parser partly
so I could play with them.  More to the point, on some matters I find
them the easiest-to-understand source.  I think Peter's comment above
is a bit silly, since I can't imagine anyone who could understand the
axioms who wouldn't assume the bit he suggests is missing.   

     -- sandro

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2003 05:16:19 UTC