Re: Addressing in the SW!

On Thursday 26 June 2003 14:47, Peter Vojnisek wrote:
> Jan,
> Thank you for the information. I understand your point, but I think
> has two problems from my point
> of view:
> 1. If I know well the standard we have to address Joe like
> and not
> I have already tried this with Jena2,
> and a nice NullpointerException was the result... :-(
> There are some examples with / at and
> also fails with Jena2. In this case is DC W3C standard?

Could you email me directly, or the jena-devel mailing list, with what
you did [1] to provoke this, and tell us which version of Jena you were
using? Because, if it turns out to be a Jena bug, or a documentation
infelicity, we'd like to fix it ... 

[1] as in, the very code that broke, trimmed down to its bones.

Chris "death to null pointers" Dollin

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 10:09:47 UTC