Re: (Round 2) Proposed Extensions to OWL

Roger L. Costello wrote:

> 2. There is a relationship between the two anonymous
> resources:
>        <rdf:Description>
>            <rdf:value>1.0</rdf:value>
>            <units>inch</units>
>        </rdf:Description>
>        <rdf:Description>
>            <rdf:value>2.54</rdf:value>
>            <units>centimeter</units>
>        </rdf:Description>
> Namely, they represent the same resource.  They are both providing
> information about the same resource.


The first describes a measurement in inches
the second describes a measurement in centimeters.

These may be measurements of the same resource but they are two different 

You need another level of indirection.


Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 06:56:27 UTC