Range of rdf:_1 etc. for given container.

Is there a way to state the range of the members of a collection for a given

E.g. if I have

<ex:BunchOfFlowers> <rdfs:subClassOf> <rdf:Bag> .

Then can I say that the range of the <rdf:li> for such a resource is
<ex:Flower> ?

Jon Hanna

PGP http://www.spin.ie/jon.asc
PGP Fingerprint 707E 5E39 3BF5 533A D1DD  2083 8169 BFD7 F532 BD18
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failures than Yiddish has for obnoxious people." - jargon.txt

Received on Friday, 17 January 2003 09:44:04 UTC