Re: Handling RDF with a serach engine category structure


When I am using a new RDF file, the first thing that I do is to convert
it to n3, and using tools like grep, cut, sort  to slice it up.

The redland tool has a great and fast tool to process large rdf files

The tool is called rdfdump or "rapper". The idea is that you first dump
into n3, that makes the file simpler.

from there, I would extract the predicates, with a command like 
cut -d\< -f2  file.n3  | sort -u > pred.txt

That should extract the second column (predicate) from the file, 
with the predicates handy, you can explore them individually.

Then when you have an overview of the structure of the file,
and are able to query them using simple greps and cuts, then I would
attempt at writing a program. 

just my two euro cents.


--- Kevin Kwan <> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I'm a student in City University in Hong Kong and I'm dealing with a
> task 
> which has to build an internal search engine to classify some
> inputted keywords into different category. I have download and study
> Jena, which from, and I got
> some problem in handling RDF.
> Knowing that the RDF used in Internet search engine is the most
> suitable tool for me to perform the task mentioned above, I've
> download the RDF ( 
> structure.rdf.u8.gz) at the web and try to
> study it. 
> However, it's structure is different greatly from the RDF structure
> introduced 
> in Jena, so I have no idea on how to handle it. Would you kindly tell
> me how can I hanlde the structure like this? Looking forward to your
> reply, thx!
> Best wishes,
> Kevin Kwan from Hong Kong

James Michael DuPont

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Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 12:06:31 UTC