MKE 6.3: isp* generates unit hierarchy

1. I have made a subtle change in the meaning of

    subject isp* ?;

Previously, I implemented it as

    subject isp**1 ?;

i.e., only the units/instances of subject (1 level).

Now it is implemented as all levels of the 
subject subhierarchy.

2. To summarize the big picture

    subject isg* ?;    produces class subhierarchy
    subject isp* ?;    produces instance subhierarchy
    subject isc* ?;    produces class+instance subhierarchy

3. As MKR/MKE input, the outline format of a 
class hierarchy is wrapped in

    begin hierarchy name;
    end hierarchy name;

and the outline format of an instance hierarchy 
is wrapped in

    begin unithierarchy name;
    end unithierarchy name;

4. I have been using isg* and isp* to study the
OpenCyc Microtheory hierarchy.  I will present the
results of my study in another email.

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Sunday, 31 August 2003 13:41:12 UTC