rdf:RDF required

On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 04:27:34PM -0400, Ryan Lee wrote:
> The spec has changed
> to now claim that serialized RDF/XML "must be contained inside an rdf:RDF
> XML element." [2]

Eek!  I can't believe I didn't notice this.

Aesthetically, I think this is an awful idea.  I had been using the
fact that some "vanilla XML" was already RDF, as a selling point for
RDF in my latest project - and it helped.  It also allowed me to talk
talk about the difference between the same bytes interpreted as XML,
versus as RDF, for a real apples-to-apples to comparison; and that was
a *huge* help, really.

Is there an upside to requiring it?


Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.        http://www.markbaker.ca

Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 00:47:02 UTC