RE: A Rough Guide to Notation3


Hmm, with cwm I get:

    irep:GenReport     a rep:Report .
      (  [
                 rep:cmd rep:if;
                 rep:defined "htmlname";
                 rep:do irep:HTMLReport ] )

which appears to be a statement and a list of one element which is an anon
node with three arcs, not a list headed by the resource irep:GenReport.  I
get the same with my parser :-)

      a  rep:Report .

_:b1  rep:cmd  rep:if ;
      rep:defined  "htmlname" ;
      rep:do  irep:HTMLReport .

_:b2  daml:first  _:b1 ;
      daml:rest  daml:nil .


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Klyne [] 
Sent: 16 September 2002 15:58
To: Sean B. Palmer
Subject: Re: A Rough Guide to Notation3

At 05:07 AM 8/22/02 +0100, Sean B. Palmer wrote:

>- A Rough Guide to Notation3, 2002-08-22

An interesting addition to the lore ;-)

I was intrigued by your description of ':-', because I came up with a very 
different pattern which (as far as I can tell) is consistent with what cwm 

I use this:
irep:GenReport a rep:Report ; :-
   ( [ rep:cmd rep:if ; rep:defined "htmlname" ; rep:do irep:HTMLReport ] )

To create a list whose first element is the node labelled irep:GenReport in 
this example.  I can't tell if this is consistent with the description you 
give, or if I've stumbled across an inconsistency in the way ':-' is 
treated.  I did conduct a number of tests with cwm, which seems to do the 
same thing with this case.

It seems my parser doesn't like Dan's examples, either, like the one 
below.  Ho hum.
:W3C :homepage [ :- <>; :title "Homepage of the W3C" ] .


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 16 September 2002 12:15:08 UTC