The Semantic Web... in Haiku
- An Introduction / to the hard Semantic Web / in simple Haiku

Since everyone I've shown this to so far has said "man", I've taken that as
a sign of approval and decided to release it here. It's basically a
recasting of bits of An Introduction to the Semantic Web [1], but in haiku,
and with the addition of an XML RDF tutorial (no less).

I got the inspiration from my own earlier WCAG in Haiku article [2], which
you'll probably enjoy/loathe as much as you do the new Semantic Web haiku
thing. Comments, especially of the "this verse has too many syllables!"
variety, and whatnot are most welcome.



Sean B. Palmer, <>
"phenomicity by the bucketful" -

Received on Sunday, 6 October 2002 07:37:37 UTC