Re: Implementing statement grouping, contexts, quads and scopes (was: Re: Out of context, in context, out of subject ????)

Patrick Stickler wrote:

> Note also that unasserted "dark" statements at the RDF-level can be
> asserted at any given higher level where they have meaning in a automated
> and generic fashion.
> OWL level assertions can be easily automated using this approach
> by a single rule:
> {
>    ?x rdf:type rdf:Statement .
>    ?x rdf:subject ?s .
>    ?x rdf:predicate ?p .
>    ?x rdf:object ?o .
>    ?p rdf:type owl:OWLPredicate .
> }
> log:implies
> {
>    ?s ?p ?o .
> }
> Done.

which you can even try to express in XML/RDF syntax as:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!ENTITY rdf "">
  <!ENTITY owl "">
  <!ENTITY ex "">
  <!ENTITY log "">


<rdf:Statement rdf:ID="&ex;st"
   <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&ex;s" />
   <rdf:predicate rdf:resource="&ex;p" />
   <rdf:object rdf:resource="&ex;o" />

<owl:OWLPredicate rdf:about="&ex;p" rdf:bagID="#context1"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="&ex;s"
   <ex:p rdf:resource="&ex;o" />

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#context1">
   <log:imples rdf:resource="#context2"/>


> This, of course, presumes that all OWL predicates are typed
> as owl:OWLPredicate, but that's pretty cheap.

One problem of the above syntax I can see is that the RDF parsing rules forces to
reify statements as soon as rdf:bagID is used, which results in a kind of
"explosion" in triples generation; on the other side the above syntax barely uses
the original XML/RDF specification to insert some kind of contexts "for free" and
can be easily queried with existing RDF query languages :-)

IMO what's needed instead is the possibility to make some parsing rules optionals
i.e. optional reification; the syntax could be in principle left un-touched. Of
course, all this "optionals" can be somehow coded the application self by
triggering some retract() triple methods on useless triples i.e. do not change
existing software ;-)



Received on Monday, 24 June 2002 05:38:03 UTC