Re: Re[2]: Modelling Resumes in RDF(S) - work in progress

On 2002-06-06 16:19, "ext Graham Klyne" <> wrote:

> At 03:27 PM 6/6/02 +0300, Patrick Stickler wrote:
>> This is true. Or, err
>>   "" rdf:type True .
> I think that TimBL uses log:Truth and log:Falsehood in this way his work
> with cwm, though that's subject to a different set of concerns.
> #g

From what I've been able to see, and I'm not saying I grok it
in all dimensions ;-) it's really a matter of taste and what
counts is being consistent.

Using RDF class membership seems pretty economical, though
alot of RDF applications are heavily property oriented (duh)
and thus not having explicit boolean types that can serve
as the values of boolean properties requires having to
constantly map between the property centric view to the
class membership centric view which in the end is less
economical than it seems.

Time and practice will hopefully make us all wiser...



Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 10:46:15 UTC