Re[2]: Modelling Resumes in RDF(S) - work in progress

Hi, Patrick!

Sorry to trouble you again, but I have more questions than answers.
(and these questions must look too simple to most people here).

PS>    <cv:Sex rdf:about="">
PS>       <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Male</rdfs:label>
PS>       <rdfs:label xml:lang="fi">Mies</rdfs:label>
PS>       ...
PS>    </cv:Sex>

Do these statements create instance
that I can refer to? If I do the same for /cv/sex/female, will it be
correct to define person's sex property as:

<rdf:Property rdf:about="&cv_rdfs;sex"
        <rdfs:comment> Man / Woman. </rdfs:comment>
        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&cv_rdfs;Person"/>
        <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>

Since I was unsure about the approach above, I followed another way:

1. Defined SexProperty and it's instances (copied from SUO.daml):
<rdf:Description ID="SexProperty">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

<rdf:Description ID="Female">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#SexProperty"/>

<rdf:Description ID="Male">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#SexProperty"/>

2. Defined range for sex property then:

  <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>

Is this way to define this property valid and OK?
I still do not understand where physically you define taxonomy for the
former case, to use property value
for example.

Another unclear question is defining boolean values.
Are there some standard "TRUE" and "FALSE" or "YES" and "NO" URIs to

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 04:52:30 UTC