Re[2]: Modelling Resumes in RDF(S) - work in progress

PS> Choosing URIs as values allows one to localize the interface
PS> using alternate labels in other languages. Literal values would
PS> be less internationally oriented.

PS> E.g. 

PS>    <cv:Sex rdf:about="">
PS>       <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Male</rdfs:label>
PS>       <rdfs:label xml:lang="fi">Mies</rdfs:label>
PS>       ...
PS>    </cv:Sex>

And it allows one to query RDF statements based on URI values.

OK - how do I define my own vocabulary for describing things (sex in
this case)? Create a class Gender and subclassed Male and Female?
Or should Male and Female be instances of class Gender?

Are there benefits to make Male, Female, Gender subclasses of WordNet
classes? And I it necessary to have any RDF file for (male, female,
gender) at all - maybe it is sufficient to know that URI for male will
be, although it does not point to a
real web document.

PS> For birth place values, have a look at TGN:


Thanks, I am looking at this

>> _2_  About linking Person with a CV

PS> Rather, you want the aboutPerson property, as in

PS>    <cv:CV rdf:about="{URI denoting CV}">
PS>       <cv:aboutPerson rdf:resource="{URI denoting person}"/>
PS>       ...
PS>    </cv:CV>

I guessed so :)
>> _3_ Structure of CV information

PS> Looks fine to me, though I didn't see how you plan to
PS> relate the actual content with the CV_Entries.

CV_entry does not have any actual content.
It is there are an abstract class that groups all different kinds of
CV entries together. But it does not have any real functionality.

After I looked at this model more closely, I figured some more
interesting classes appearing in the CV model:

Working history and courses both point to a Company (where one worked
or who organized courses). So it may make sense to make another class
company and reference to it from work history and/or educations.

Also - reference points to a person. So the class reference may have
some special properties and then point to a Person class. Only one
question about this:

If the Reference has the following properties: Type
(personal/professional), name, surname, title, organization, phone,
e-mail), the only thing that Person described in vCard3.0 does not
cover is type of the reference. How do I describe it in RDFS?

Patrick, thanks a lot for your help. :)

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2002 15:56:59 UTC