Re: robots.rdf

I think rel="meta" would have been an extremely good idea a few years ago
(actually I thought it was an obvious one, and assumed it was there once.
Always a good idea to check the spec ;-) and it isn't too late.

But I think it makes sense to think about a more extensible mechanism, or how
to ground the profile attribute in the semantic web. I suspect now that
having some relatively real URI-based system for specifying rel would be a
useful thing (not least because it easily transfers to RDF ;-)

It may be as simple as working out some way to use the profile attribute to
specify a URI that in fact specifies a collection of other profiles - my
problem is that I want more than one profile  to be active at once.



On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Chris Croome wrote:


  On Wed 09-Jan-2002 at 03:24:30PM -0500, Dan Brickley wrote:
  > The smart thing is to *not* use well-known locations, but to follow an
  > age old tradition: if you want to know about a web site, *read its
  > homepage*.
  > Being able to find a manifest or overview page for a site, w/ pointers
  > to associated web services, rss feeds, data dumps, site map file(s),
  > privacy statements etc etc is a worthy goal. But I'm having trouble
  > understanding the value of inventing WKRs beyond the published home
  > page URIs for these sites. Metadata could be embedded in the XHTML,
  > available by content negotiation, or linked to from home page. Or all
  > three...

  In terms of linking to sitemaps and metadata from XHTML would some
  additions to the link types in HTML 4 [1] be a good idea? I think
  rel="sitemap" and rel="meta" would make sense.



Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 18:13:37 UTC