Re: Identifying reals

From: Mark Baker <>
Subject: Identifying reals
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 11:58:19 -0500 (EST)

> > Mark Baker wrote,
> > > Ok, so I'll identify it as;
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Reread peters argument ... this one's already taken. _All_ of them
> > are already taken. And if you still don't believe it google for
> > "Cantors diagonal argument".
> Ah, I missed the "URIs are a finite sequence ..." assumption.
> The problem is that this assumption is incorrect.  

Show me a URI that violates this assumption.

> You may have trouble
> passing arbitrarily large ones around, but that doesn't prevent them
> from being defined.  Earlier Peter said "How many URIs are there?  Only
> countably infinite.", which is correct, but inconsistent with saying
> that URIs are a finite sequence.  

> If they were a finite sequence then
> there would be finite number of them.  So my point stands.

Wrong.  There are a countably infinite number of finite sequences of
characters.  Please educate yourself more fully.

> Weee, this is fun.  Time for a subject change though; better late than
> never.

If you are going to argue, please restrict yourself to correct points.

> MB


Received on Friday, 4 January 2002 12:45:55 UTC