Identifying reals

> Mark Baker wrote,
> > Ok, so I'll identify it as;
> >
> >
> Reread peters argument ... this one's already taken. _All_ of them
> are already taken. And if you still don't believe it google for
> "Cantors diagonal argument".

Ah, I missed the "URIs are a finite sequence ..." assumption.

The problem is that this assumption is incorrect.  You may have trouble
passing arbitrarily large ones around, but that doesn't prevent them
from being defined.  Earlier Peter said "How many URIs are there?  Only
countably infinite.", which is correct, but inconsistent with saying
that URIs are a finite sequence.  If they were a finite sequence then
there would be finite number of them.  So my point stands.

Weee, this is fun.  Time for a subject change though; better late than

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Friday, 4 January 2002 11:57:48 UTC