Re: Provenance in RDF


> I've done a little work on this; I agree there's a variety of solutions
> - for the moment I handle it out-of-band, associating statements with
> times and authors etc programmatically. This seemed a pragmatic
> solution, especially given uncertainty about reification, but as you
> say, makes sharing the provenance via RDF problematic.

Yup. Because we are explicitly trying to build an open metadata network we're
placing a high premium on inter-operation - having the provenance data
explicitly there in the RDF fact base seems the easiest way to achieve that
despite the programmatic solution being tempting.

> [snip]
> > for any provenanced (is that a word? :-) values use:
> >    subj --pred--> <> --rdf:value--> obj
> >                      --pv:creator--> "Dave"
> >                      --pv:date--> "27/2/02"
> Presumably, for multiple creations; e.g. if John also states that triple
> at a later date, you add another 'pred' property whose value is another
> bNode, with another set of value, creator, date properties?

Exactly. That works fine.


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2002 13:19:38 UTC