Contexts vs. Reification Revisited

Using TimBL's model.n3 [1] as inspiration, along with Aaron's simple
explanation of the problem, here's a simple N3 filter that converts
contexts into reified statements:-

   { { { :a :b :c } } log:implies { [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject :a;
   rdf:predicate :b; rdf:object :c ] } } log:forAll :a , :b , :c .

I originally wanted to use it on itself (irony: a reifying filter,
reifying itself!), but CWM doesn't like doing that (because you have a
context within a context... which doesn't make all that much sense,
and won't convert), so I tried one which reifies a subject as a

   { { { :a :b :c } :d :e } log:implies { [ a rdf:Statement;
   rdf:subject :a; rdf:predicate :b; rdf:object :c ] :d :e } }
   log:forAll :a , :b , :c , :d , :e .

But that didn't work either, so I ended up converting the longer
filter into a set of reified statements by hand. I came up with:-

     [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject
     [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject :a; rdf:predicate :b; rdf:object
:c ];
     rdf:predicate :d; rdf:object :e ]; rdf:predicate log:implies;
     rdf:object [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject [ a rdf:Statement;
     rdf:subject :a; rdf:predicate :b; rdf:object :c ]; rdf:predicate
     rdf:object :e ] ] log:forAll :a , :b , :c , :d , :e .

(see also, the pretty version [2]), and I did it twice, just to check.
Still, as with most of the things I do, I'm sure this has been
discussed to bits and already bought up ad nauseum. cf. [3].

     [ a rdf:Statement;
       rdf:subject [ a rdf:Statement;
                     rdf:subject [ a rdf:Statement;
                                   rdf:subject :a;
                                   rdf:predicate :b;
                                   rdf:object :c ];
                     rdf:predicate :d;
                     rdf:object :e ];
       rdf:predicate log:implies;
       rdf:object [ a rdf:Statement;
                    rdf:subject [ a rdf:Statement;
                                  rdf:subject :a;
                                  rdf:predicate :b;
                                  rdf:object :c ];
                    rdf:predicate :d;
                    rdf:object :e ]
     ] log:forAll :a , :b , :c , :d , :e .

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Saturday, 5 May 2001 18:54:40 UTC