Re: RDF Triples Transport

Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> The <Statement> technique is tempting -- I started a writeup a while back
> with the idea of it being a potential note. I was stumped when it came to
> dealing with anonymous nodes; there are several conventions we might adopt
> and none seemed particularly appealing or obvious. Also we'd need to do

Well this is mostly because we haven't agreed on what anonymous nodes really
are. I just take what the parser gives me, which is simple enough for this.
Clearly though we need to figure out what to do with nodes before we begin
to see some real interop.

> namespace declarations and language tagging properly...

What do you mean by namespace declarations? And we can just forget language
tagging. ;-) 

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2001 22:53:11 UTC