DAML Processing in Jess

At the moment I'm working on a project using DAML to exchange information
between units (arguably agents). I'm using it to encode my data and for
the ontologies which express what the data means. Recently I've been doing
some work on taking in DAML through RDF API and feeding it into Jess
(Java Expert System Shell) to be processed. The result is that the data
gets treated as DAML as opposed to just RDF triples. If anyone's 
interested, the url is:


I'm using DAML in very simple ways at the moment (not even comparable in 
a number of ways to RDF Schema), but the number of constructs processed is
growing as I need them and the system seems fairly useful 
already. Comments, suggestions, questions, discussion are all welcome.


- Scarius
http://plan.mcs.drexel.edu/                            - ITCS Laboratory
http://gicl.mcs.drexel.edu/                            - GIC Laboratory
http://dusers.drexel.edu/~dftc/                        - Drexel Cycling

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2001 17:33:06 UTC