BSWL - Basic Semantic Web Language

I'm pleased to announce a new proposal for a stripped down RDF-in-XML
syntax called "BSWL" or the "Basic Semantic Web Language". The
proposal is available on the Web at:-

Briefly, the features advantages over RDF M&S are:-

* Simpler syntax - no typed or anonymous nodes, allows one to form
triples simply by nesting QNames
* Has a special syntax for referring to XML QNames
* Forces you to use xml:lang as part of the model, so it isn't lost
* Allows you to nest triples so that the subject of the former triple
becomes the object of the latter triple
* Is possible to convert back into RDF M&S, and vice versa (once RDF
Core decide what to do about anonymous nodes)
* Files using abbreviated BSWL tend to be shorter than RDF M&S

An example of a BSWL chunk is:-

<bswl:t qname="Sean">
   <bswl:po qname="likes">
     <bswl:o qname="TheSimpsons"/>

Which can be shortened using abbreviated BSWL into:-


Further details are available in the proposal itself.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Monday, 16 July 2001 10:52:17 UTC