RSS 1.0 Channel for RDF Resource Guide

This comes under the "eating your own dog food" category.

I've created an RSS 1.0 channel (an RDF application) for my 
  RDF Resource Guide
which you can now get at

This channel holds the last 10 things added to the guide but since I
do this by hand at irregular intervals as news demans and work
allows, I've put syndication description to describe it as changing

Or try the new 'RSS 1.0 in a box' version of my RSS 1.0 viewer at
by going here:;box=yes

I guess now I can nearly do the full loop:
   XHTML -[XSLT]-> RSS -[Redland]-> RDF -[CGI]-> XHTML

if I output XHTML in XSLT-able format.


Received on Thursday, 11 January 2001 10:15:47 UTC