Re: RDF-In-XHTML; A "New" Approach

Hi Chaals,

> - catching hreflang attributes would be good.

O.K.; I've added that functionality to the new, more comprehensive,

For .//h:rel and //h:a[@rel]

> - Being able to determine a locator of any <a> element that had
> a rel attribute would be helpful for giving more info.

Already done it :-)

> - Having a property for an untyped a element would be nice.

Yes, it would... but there's a similar problem there to the link types that
HTML 4.01 specificies: what URI do we use? We could always make one up, I

> There is also the question of how to use multiple profiles, which
> we are getting into needing a solution for.

That's probably something that HyperRDF [1] will be able to handle. I agree
that it is a problem, but really, the only way to fix it is to have
prefixes for all of the profiles.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 31 August 2001 11:09:51 UTC