Re: RDF Media Type

Ron Daniel <> wrote:

> Good job on the media type document. One major question:


> Should the media type document be extended to define
> text/rdf+xml, and the use of a +rdf+xml suffix, in addition
> to its current definition of application/rdf+xml?

One of the benefits of RDF is it's generality. RDF formats can be easily
mixed and matched and converted. Therefore, for the vast majority of RDF
applications, having a specified media type makes little sense. Why do you
need a Dublin Core and a vCard media type? Just mix them in the same RDF

There are a few exceptions, these are the applications which try to "mix"
XML and RDF, such as RSS and PRISM do. For such applications an extension
syntax might make sense. However, the uses for such a system seem relatively
small, and thus I'm not willing to put in the effort for such a spec.

Of course, if you want to do it, go ahead. ;-)

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 21:41:13 UTC