Re: Reification of Sets (of RDF Statement, for Queries)

At 09:58 AM 4/13/01 -0400, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>That said, I'm not sure what "the core" is.  I think this is all a lot
>like a programming language and its standard library or libraries.
>The RDF Model is the programming language itself.  Unlike most, this
>one has multiple equivalent syntaxes.  And the vocabularies are just
>libraries, one or more of which is well enough made and useful enough
>that people have little reason to re-invent it.  (Still, W3C will
>probably make a 2.0 some day, so one should never think of it as The
>Core Vocabulary.)

I generally agree with this.  And I think its a widely held tenet of 
programming language design that the language should not define what can be 
done in libraries (possibly modulo some syntactic sugaring).


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 16 April 2001 11:12:27 UTC