Re: Authors describing what their URIs mean

RE: "The recommended technique for embedding RDF expressions in an HTML
is simply to insert the RDF in-line as shown in Example 7.7. "  from M&S

From: "Danny Ayers" <>

> Could this be something to do with this issue :

Well I hope not, but I have been told that it does.  Me thinks that if this
is, in fact, the reason, then it would be a little like a starving
aristocrat not eating because the silverware is not stamped with the emblem
of the present King of France.  Seriously, these are of totally different
orders of magnitude of importance.  Personally I cannot countenance such an
absurdity.  If the semantic web is to happen, then such unforgiving minutia
as this, will have to be left happily behind us.


Received on Saturday, 14 April 2001 14:52:37 UTC