Re: URIs / URLs

From: "Sean B. Palmer" <>

> Yep, that is a fundamental axiom of the Semantic Web in general. The
> RDF model is opaque in that it does not evaluate any particular
> proprietary semantics that one associates with URIs, and that's what
> gives it its power, but it's that that makes people conclude that if a
> processor runs across:-
>      :Blue = :Yellow .
> the world will blow up or something. Maybe one particular processor
> will, but then to the environment within which this particular
> processor operates, this collapse will be useful! In other words, if a
> processor needs to recognize that blue isn't yellow, then running
> across this particular inconsistency will tell it that something is
> up. The system works :-)
> It's all about open and closed world systems. cf. [1].

I tend to agree.  To me the "=" arc label (daml:equivalentTo) equates two
names from the point of view of the author of the triple.  Implementing the
implications of  such a triple based upon a parse of an untrusted input feed
would seem to be rather foolish; because someone could make a feed which
could smusch all your nodes into one big one ... with everything having  the
same subject ... scray, your representation of the universe *would* blow up

language: Semenglish\English\mixed

Another thing to note is that we never want to conflate equating
descriptions and equating names; for example saying:

(Morning Star )
    isA Star;
    appearsIn Evening;
    semTitle "Morning Star";
    isTheSameThingAs (Morning Star);
    properName "Venus".
(Evening Star)
    isA Star;
    appearsIn Morning;
    semTitle "Evening Star";
    inTheSameThingAs (Morning Star);
    properName "Venus".

Is certainly not the same thing as saying:

{(Morning Star) = (Evening Star)}.

Please refer to:

(Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy)
    dc:author (Bertrand Russell);
    see .

    (wants to show you) .

Received on Thursday, 12 April 2001 15:17:34 UTC