RE: abstract model and reification

> > >    [A] --P-------------> [B]
> > >    [S] --rdf:type------> [rdf:Statement]
> > >    [S] --rdf:property--> [P]
> > >
> > > ?  Here, S may or may not be a reification of [A] --P--> 
> [B].  But from its
> > > type, it clearly represents _some_ reified statement.
> >
> >Seems to me that would represent the reification of all arcs 
> labeled with "P".
> Reasonable.  Or, more precisely, an incomplete reification of 
> all arcs 
> labelled "P".

Which would imply that if I added an attributedTo with value
"Graham" I would be saying that "Graham" made all statements
with property P.  I don't think thats such a good idea.

Brian McBride

Received on Tuesday, 19 September 2000 11:16:40 UTC