Is the reification of a resource unique.

Hi Jan,

Sorry, I've been a bit slow catching on to the concern.

So the issue is:  Is there a unique resource which
represents a reified statement, or are there many.

Is that it?

I don't have a clear argument one way or the other
at the moment.  Do you have a reason for preferring


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Grant []
> Sent: 15 September 2000 09:30
> To: Graham Klyne
> Cc: McBride, Brian; 'RDF Interest (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: abstract model
> On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Graham Klyne wrote:
> > Consider, if you have an RDF model (per M&S section 5 
> formal model) containing:
> > 
> >    [A] --type------> [Statement]
> >    [A] --subject---> [S]
> >    [A] --property--> [P]
> >    [A] --object----> [O]
> > 
> >    [B] --type------> [Statement]
> >    [B] --subject---> [S]
> >    [B] --property--> [P]
> >    [B] --object----> [O]
> > 
> >    [S] --P---------> [O]
> > 
> > There is no way to know if [A] or [B] is the reification of 
> "[S] --P--> [O]".
> This is the problem I have, thus why I proposed the "is a reification
> of" relationship over the notion of a direct mapping.
> The paper at
seems to imply this interpretation too; the Reification mapping is not


PS. What are the engineering implications of the Reification mapping
that Brian proposes?
- does a statement's reification have a URI? (or more than one, since a
reification is a resource which may have multiple URIs that symbolise
- in which case is there a way of determining that URI for any
particular reification?
- given a URI (or just a resource) is there a way of determining which
statement, if any, it reifies?

PPS. I've no problem with Brian's intuition about "Jan made a statement
about Dan, but I'm not exactly sure what" - it's a nice idea, but I
don't think it justifies a "the reification" viewpoint.

* Can of worms stuff apparently.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
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Received on Friday, 15 September 2000 06:34:52 UTC