Re: Protege and RDF

Sergey Melnik wrote:
> couple of suggestions for better usability of Protege:
> 1) allow changing the IDs of the instances (currently, auto generated).

You can do this in the current Protege release (1.4) with the
FrameID.setFrameIDAllocator() method.  You pass in a method object
that is responsible for generating unique frame id's.

> 2) support a better navigation/editing of instances, e.g. using a 2D
> graph or a tree instead of popping up a new window for the properties.

I agree that this would be very nice.  I keep hoping that some
industrious person will step forward and write such a thing as a

Thanks for your comments. 


Received on Thursday, 7 September 2000 19:35:36 UTC