RDF and contexts -- discussion paper


I've finally managed to scrape together some of my thoughts about RDF and 
contexts into a document:


I have focused entirely on the RDF model, rather than its syntax.  I 
believe the proposals made can be handled fully within the current RDF 
model, even though I propose an extended model as a basis for discussion 
(and, incidentally, for our implementation).

I have tried to work from the basic 'ist' ("is true in") relationship as 
developed by John McCarthy and R V Guha, though I may have taken it in 
directions they did not intend.

We are planning to experiment with using this approach to assist a number 
of purposes:
- representing relationships between RDF statements and documents that 
contain them
- trust modelling
- describing nested or composite resources
- modelling physical-world object relationships
... and maybe more?

Comments are welcome.  Enjoy!

Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2000 13:41:55 UTC