Re: A triple is not unique.

Jonathan Borden wrote:
> Seth
> >
> > But what if MyMemory (web site as you put it) contains both the statement
> I made and the
> > statement made by the Electoral College .. and in fact distinguishes
> between the two .. as
> > is the case of this email?
> >
> I think you are mixing up the triple and the reification of the triple. The
> triple is unique but its reification need not be unique.

I think Seth and I are talking about the same thing.

To reiterate, I believe that reification of a statement does not
(better, should not) carry any information, is a purely syntactic
mechanism, and does not add anything to the model.

Being able to talk about statements is a central concept of RDF and I
think it should be anchored in the RDF model more intrinsically than it
is done currently. I don't see a need to bootstrap reification using 4
special RDF statements. I'd rather have it built-in.

My understanding is that the RDF/XML serialization below should result
in a single statement,

	(Bush wonThe Election)

Again, my belief is not 100% consistent with the spec and is rather an
item for the todo list.


> <Description about="Bush">
>     <wonThe resource="Election"/>
> </Description>
> <Statement ID="SethsStmt">
>     <subject resource="Bush"/>
>     <predicate resource="wonThe"/>
>     <object resource="Election"/>
> </Statement>
> <Statement ID="ECStmt">
>     <subject resource="Bush"/>
>     <predicate resource="wonThe"/>
>     <object resource="Election"/>
> </Statement>
> (Bush wonThe Election)
> (SethsStmt type Statement)
> (SethsStmt subject Bush)
> (SethsStmt predicate wonThe)
> (SethsStmt object Election)
> (ECStmt type Statement)
> (ECStmt subject Bush)
> (ECStmt predicate wonThe)
> (ECStmt object Election)
> Jonathan Borden
> The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 18:22:56 UTC