Re: unreification

At 12:58 PM 11/16/00 +0000, Bill dehOra wrote:
>         S'      :[s, p, o].

>         S''     :[Rx, rdf:type, rdf:Statement]
>         S'''    :[Rx, rdf:subject, s]
>         S''''   :[Rx, rdf:predicate, p]
>         S'''''  :[Rx, rdf:object, o]

I'll take a stab at this question too:


I think that viewing reification as a process is unhelpful.  I think it's 
more helpful to view it as a relationship, as in:

      X reifies Y


As far as I can tell, statements are used in two distinct ways:
(a) They are quoted
(b) They are asserted

 From your example, { S'', S''', S'''', S''''' } correspond to (a), a 
quotation, and S' corresponds to (b), an assertion.

[[[There may be more, such as:  a statement may be asserted to be 
false.  But RDF doesn't support this directly.  Rather, additional 
constructions based on quoted statements are used (see]]]


Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 17 November 2000 12:30:28 UTC