Resources and things


In the WHA world of SKiCal, we refrain from using either the terms Thing or

We felt that so many methods had so much trouble with differentiating
between description and self-description that we wanted to make clear

We say that there are things which are identifiable by their description.


no description
	no identification
		no thing

and we call such a  thing for a "DIT" (by Description Identifiable Thing)

We also give a name to the description of the Thing. A Description Of a
Thing, we call a "DOT"

Each DOT is obviously also a DIT and somewhere out there in the great
unknown there might be a DIT which is not also a DOT. Who knows?

"He who dies with the most acronyms, wins the game."


Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 08:31:01 UTC