RDF and the rest of the world

There are lots of interesting discussions in this forum.

On the other hand I get a real 'deja vu' following the vivid discussions on
items beyond core RDF.

Knowing a bit of the developments at Cycorp (www.cyc.com) I see some wheels
being reinvented.

Cycorp has developed a knowledge base, an inference engine, a query and
manipulation language and -last but not least- a comprehensive set of
content consisting of abstract microtheories containing real-world

Regarding discussions on 'thing' and 'resource': see one of the top level
ontologies that you can access after signing the guestbook at
'Thing' is an oftenly used top-level concept but I must admit that
"Resource Description Framework" sounds better than "Thing Description
Resource description is our context.

There are many other initiatives worldwide: WordNet has been referred to
earlier in this forum; there is also OntoBroker and the Wave / CKML efforts
(Robert E. Kent et al).

Let us focus on the basic items for RDF and link to work done by others
later on.

Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 03:47:46 UTC