Re: xmlns, uri+name pairs or just uris..? Clarification needed.

McBride, Brian wrote:

>  as far as
>      XML is concerned, a qname is a pair (ns, locaname) not the
>      concatenation of ns and localname, i.e.
>      <x xmlns:fo="fo" xmlns:foo="foo">
>        <y fo:obar="a" foo:bar="b"/>
>      is legal - the attribute names are distinct even though
>      they concatenate to the same string.
> Whilst the NS spec is not absolutely precise on this, it seems like best
> interpretation.

The XML,NS , DOM level 2, XML Infoset RECs are absolutely precise about

under NO interpretation would the attributes:

    fo:obar and foo:bar be confused.

there is a very good reason why a colon is inserted between the NS prefix
name and the local name.

Jonathan Borden

Received on Friday, 28 July 2000 09:25:48 UTC