Re: List Organization

At 12:19 PM 1/18/2000 +0100, wrote:
>This mailing group seems to be getting quite popular with over a hundred
>messages in the previous two months.

yes, this is wonderful.

>It should be our challenge to create an RDF-based infrastructure for our
>own mailing group

:-)  I am sure many of us share this same vision

>Aiming at somewhere closer, is it possible to split up the mailing group in
>a number of themes ...

if you mean 'create additional lists', I would rather not do that.

>... start the new month with a couple of empty messages, one per theme, each
>creating a thread.

why wait for a month boundary?  Perhaps a collection of message classes
such as you propose could simply be used in the Subject headers; e.g.
Subject: [ig:applications] My favorite new toy
Subject: [ig:syntax] Yet another proposal
Subject: [ig:trust] A proposal for a trust vocabulary

where, of course, xmlns:ig=""

>This would bring some order in our "chaos". Good idea?

Anything that adds more explicit semantic information to message
metadata is a good idea in my book :-)  Too bad most of our
mail user agents don't let us experiment with better metadata
mechanisms than the insufficient "[...]" markup.


Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 09:34:32 UTC