Re: categorization scheme for dublin_core Subject

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Jean-Marc Vanel wrote:

> Hello
> I tried to find in the Web the Dewey Decimal Code for library science .
> This is just one possible categorization scheme for Dublin Core Subject
> property. What about other Web-accessible categorization schemes?

Last month we had some discussion around the use of the WordNet lexical
database. WordNet is easier to get hold of than Dewey, but isn't really
a classification scheme. It is more like a model of how natural language
words and phrases relate to one another, including but not limited to 
hierarchical structures (eg: a kind of... relations). I started an
experimental attempt at reflecting some parts of WordNet into the Web
as RDF classes and DC subject classification. The work is incomplete in
that my scripts currently conflate and confuse wordnet's notion of a
term with the synonym-set of terms it is grouped with. I hope to fix
this some weekend soon, so that the vocabulary becomes deployable.

So... wordnet might be of interest. But there's plenty of other
schemes although most don't assign Web identifiers (URIs) to their
contents yet.

For the WordNet discussion see
for initial announcement and for other
posts with 'WordNet' in the title.


Received on Saturday, 8 January 2000 06:18:04 UTC