URI aliases

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
> 1) About my homepage.
> It has author="Champin" and date="12/12/99"
> It has both URIs "http://www.cpe.fr/~pa/index.html" and "ftp://www.cpe.fr/home/pa/public_html/index.html"
> Though, I could write
>   <Decrsiption about="http://www.cpe.fr/~pa/index.html">
>     <type resource="http://ontology.org/WebResource"/>
>     <s:servedBy> Apache Server </s:servedBy>
>   </Description>
>   <Description about="ftp://www.cpe.fr/home/pa/public_html/index.html">
>     <type resource="http://ontology.org/FTPResource"/>
>     <s:owner resource="user://www.cpe.fr/pa"/>
>     <s:rights> rw-rw-r-- </s:rights>
>   </Description>
> And where am I supposed to put author property ?
> QUESTION 1 : does RDF describe the resource entity or the resource content ?
> I guess the answer is "both, it just depends", but then on WHAT does it formally depend ?

One answer is that the interpretation is left to the application.

The properties in the example above suggests that you are talking
about the resource as the thing you can get using the corresponding
(http or ftp) protocol. Both those resources has the same content, but
are diffrent things. They are both versions of the same file.

If you would like to do the distinction, you could have a property
saying that the content of resources are the same file, and say more
things about this file.

If you doesn't care about exposing this secret, you could just use the
author property for bouth resources.

It is in the semantics of the propety that makes the diffrence of
author and owner. There can be many copies of a text. The author would
be the same, but they would have diffrent owners.

This says something about the problem of aliasing. Two URIs could
represent the same entity in some ways (it's the same text) but
diffrent entitys in other ways (it's diffrent files).

http://www.cpe.fr/~pa/index.html is not an alias for
ftp://www.cpe.fr/home/pa/public_html/index.html.  The alias services
will have to recognize this.  If the file and the text (literary
piece) was described as separate, you could say that one URI of the
text is an alias for another text URI.

If this separation is missing, you would have to introduce this
connection by saying that both files has the same text, that the text
has an autor, and that this last statement is an alias for both of the
original author statements. Futher; you would like to state that your
statement is a more detailed version of the original statements.

/ Jonas  -  http://paranormal.o.se/perl/proj/rdf/schema_editor/

Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2000 14:41:19 UTC