Re: SV: A certain difficulty - lack of action!

Gabe Beged-Dov wrote:
> ...
> <rdf>
>   <predQname subject="[URI]" object="[URI]"/>
>   <predQname subject="[URI]">[PCDATA]</predQname>
> </rdf>

A potential disadvantage of this approach (as Sean mentioned) is that
one has to use XML namespaces to encode predQname. Furthermore, the
statements have to be grouped within an <rdf> tag. Finally, there is no
way to enforce an a priori correct XML document using a DTD since the
content model of the <rdf> tag is ANY.

In contrast,

<rdf:statement subject="[URI]" ... />

can be used standalone and has a cleaner DTD declaration. As to
verbosity, one could use XML entities for shortcuts:

<!ENTITY rdf "">
<statement subject=""
predicate="&rdf;type" object="&my;WebPage"/>


Received on Monday, 28 February 2000 17:18:51 UTC