RE: A certain difficulty

Mark Birbeck said:

> I am very surprised, for example, that RDF wasn't used in the
> implementation of WebDAV. Of course it might have been considered and
> rejected - but it might just have been seen as irrelevant. 
[Ron Daniel]  My recollection is that the RDF folks did mention its
existence to
some of the WebDAV folks. But WebDAV decided not to do anything with RDF at
time because RDF was still being specified, and they did not want to put an
spec onto their critical path. Can't blame them.

Ron Daniel Jr.
Metacode Technologies, Inc.
139 Townsend Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA  94107
415.836.7813 fax 415.222.0150

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2000 11:42:45 UTC