Re: assymetric reference of properties

> Seems like there might be another solution. This solution begins to step
> away from "orthodox" RDF and points to taking first-class properties
> seriously. It involves making the property an object in its own right. In
> other words, rather than saying "x is identified by y" and "y identifies x",
> one would say something along the lines of
> "instance-of-identification-property connects x and y". 

I am _definitely_ missing something here.  Why is this not taken care of 
reification?  There is no reason why "forward" and "reverse" be properties of 
the reified statement, to be interpreted by the application.

Uche Ogbuji
Fourthought, Inc., IT Consultants	(970)481-0805
Software-engineering, project-management, knowledge-management

Received on Sunday, 6 February 2000 11:09:05 UTC